Who can use the MFi logos?
The logos shown in these guidelines mustbe used only in connection with accessories that have been approved as LicensedProducts in accordance with the MFi/Made for iPod License Agreement (and,whereapplicable, the iPhone/iPad Supplement or AirPlay Supplement) signed byCopyright owner.The appropriate MFi logo must be printed on thepackaging of aLicensed Product. The MFi logo may also be used in the user guide and otherLicensed Product–related communications.
Minimum size and clear space
The minimum height for each MFi logo is 10mm on printed communications and 30 pixels for onscreen use. The minimum clearspace around the logo is X on all sides, where X is equal to one-quarter theheight of the logo. Do not place graphics,type,photographs, or illustrations insidethe clear space.
Logo color
MFi logos alwaysappear in black and white except on printed materials where black ink is notavailable.The area within the border is white, even on color backgrounds.
The MFi logoscan appear on black or other color backgrounds and on photographic backgrounds,aslong as the logo is clearly legible against the background.
MFi logos can beprinted in color only when black is not available, as on some one- or two-colorprintedmaterials. When black is not available, the logo canbe printed in thecolor of the layout, as long as itprovides sufficient contrast for clearlegibility.
The packing box must be printed on the following text
“Made for iPod,” “Made for iPhone,” and “Made for iPad” mean that anelectronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPod, iPhone,or iPad, respectively, and has been certified by the developer to meet Appleperformance standards. it is not responsible for the operation of this deviceor its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. Please note that theuse of this accessory with iPod, iPhone, or iPad may affect wirelessperformance. iPad, iPhone, iPod nano, and iPod touch are trademarks of AppleInc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Lightning is a trademark ofApple Inc.
Our packing style